Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wish list:

These are all things that I have really wanted/needed for over a year now and have yet to obtain them. Why is this?! I know where and how to get them, but they're all small investments and just haven't had an extra couple hundred bucks.

Citizen ~ Black messenger bag by Chrome.

Accordion - preferably black and vintage. There's an accordion store in Manhattan called The Main Squeeze, sells new and used. They even make custom accordions.

It's only natural to shave with a straight razor. I've been window shopping on for about a year.

Paris is in my near future.

Kraken Tattoo ~ Giant Squid illustration from the original 2000 Leagues Under The Sea. Half sleeve on my left arm.

Anderson Coat of Arms tattoo on the back of my left arm. This is a rough rendering of what I'd like. It would also have a tree at the top and our moto. ~ Sto Certus ~ Stand Sure

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